Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 Star Chick Official Remix (Official Video)

5 Stars... Bitch.

literally dead at the sight of Nicki Minaj in this video. she is so damn bangin. anyway tho. this is the official video for the remix to Yo Gotti's single, 5 Star Chick featuring Gucci Mane, Trina, and Nicki Minaj. so unless you are lameeeee, you know about nicki minaj. she's been on for a while with the whole mixtapes thing, but she is just now starting to get some radio-play with the remixes she has been featured on like this one, and the remix to Mario's "Break Up" but now she is going for her first role in an official video. i'm sure this is gonna be on BET, dunno about MTV .. they be trippn when it comes to gucci. lol. anyway tho. trina looks nice as usual. idk why they were both wearing colored contacts (at least they fit them and weren't like... emerald green or some sht) but i wanted to point out the job WHOEVER did on Minaj's make-up. sht looks ca-razy. i can't wait until she blows up, and releases a full album.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love Gucci, I love Nicki Minaj... but this video was kinda ehhh. All them damn stars lmfao. I mean, I KNOW it's the "theme" but c'mon =|