Monday, July 20, 2009


really.. are you serious. this dude sound like he reading off of cue-cards. maybe its just because i'm a Rihanna fan. but really.. any female that doesn't have a problem being hit and beat.. go all in i guess. smh. and i used to like his music but now... he just losing money and his stomach starting to get a lil empty.

below, is the comment i left on the video. ;]

any female who is still droolin over this nigga is stupid. he IS a woman beater. and WILL ALWAYS BE a woman beater. find a real dude who won't put his hands on you. unless you like it rough. (2-black-eyes-a-busted-spleen- and-a-collapsed-lung rough) smh.


Olivia said...

He shouldve apoligized PUBLICLY LONG TIME AGO!!
Ur blog is really AWESOME!
its official im followin u now! ahah.
o yea wen u follow me expect weekly blog commments by me jus kuz i like ta interact wit all my followers!!

Tosh. said...

this is on everybody & they momma blog & i still haven't watch. Couldn't care any less about the whole chris rhi thing now. it mad old he's mad late. JUST DUMBBB